Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Disney Legacy: Prologue's strange to her...some people seem to have everything...

Another morning.... another day... another dream that still hasn't come true.  When she was a girl, her father would promise flowers, parties, laughter and love if she wished hard enough.  If she dreamed hard enough, it would happen.  But that was a distant memory.  Her father was dead and she was left behind to wait, hand and foot, on them.  The ones he too, left behind.  Cynthia was forced to sleep in the stable with the family horse with the only the cinders and books to keep her warm, body and soul.

 She would cook...

 She would clean...

They would eat and criticize and head to the festival everyday,

Maybe her father was wrong.  With her stepmother in the way, how were her dreams ever to come true.

 It was up to her to give fate a little help.

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